Rent a car in Helsinki, Vantaa, Espoo or Helsinki Airport

AviaRent makes traveling easy and fast! From AviaRent you can rent a car from compact city cars to big moving vans. We maintain our cars regularly, and they are always safe and new - we only rent cars that we would want to drive ourselves. Rent safely, without hidden fees - book now!

Rental locations

Our main office is located at Vantaa, close to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport and close to the Aviapolis train station. You can also rent a car from our offices in Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Tuusula and Kerava. Our opening hours are flexible and the pick-up and departure of cars is possible 24-hours a day, all year round when agreed beforehand.

Rent a car to your doorstep

We deliver cars in Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and in the entire metropolitan area free of charge if you rent a car for a minimum of one week. For shorter rentals, the delivery service costs 20 €. Thus, car hire is easy and effortless, and you do not have to worry about traveling to the car. This makes it easier to rent a car!

Leave or pick up a car outside the office

We at AviaRent want your trip to go smoothly. You may want to return your car to a different location than you did when you rent a car. If needed, we will also deliver the car to your desired location, such as the train station, home or work address! We also offer the possibility of a refueling service. Therefore, you do not have to worry about refueling yourself - this service makes a big difference when you are in a hurry.

Vans - the best option for moving

Rent a van starting from 10 € / hour! We offer vans for hire, even for hours at a time.

Hiring a van is often the cheapest and most flexible way to move. From AviaRent you will find a suitable sized van for your needs. A spacious van wins a trailer any day. With van, often one trip is enough and you don’t have to drive back and forth multiple times. This saves time and nerves. Van keeps all valuables protected from dust, rain and possible thieves. You can lock the doors and leave the car unattended. Just remember to pack the load properly and tie it securely. However, if you are going to use trailer as well, all our vans have trailer hooks

AviaRent leasing

In addition to short rentals we offer:

  • Minileasing
  • Leasing
  • Economy leasing

Replacement car services

We deliver a replacement car during service, inspection, technical repair or accident repair. In a case of accident repair if the insurancecompany settles 94 % of the innocent part`s insurance, you only pay 6 % of the rental price and as service leasing driver you can have a car free of charge.

Accessories for transports

Many cars have air conditioning, automatic transmission and safety cushions as standard, also hitch. We rent removal boxes, cam carts, slings, load binders etc. accessories for transports. Safety seats for babies, car-top carries and ski boxes also available. 

Ask for our prices on accessories!

Welcome to flexible car hire, book now!

AviaRent has multiple car rental options from short term to long term. We have a rental car, a lease, replacement car or van for you. Our loyal customers are offered seasonal discounts. Ask for benefits of a VIP-customer.

AviaRent helps you to find the most suitable option for you.

Leave us your contact details, we’ll get in touch!